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Apple Picker Jobs in Canada for Foreigners 2024 (Apply Now)

In Canada, the agricultural sector plays a crucial role in its economy, and one of the prominent seasonal job opportunities within this domain is apple picking. Every year, during the harvest season, numerous orchards across the country seek seasonal workers, including foreigners, to assist in the picking and processing of apples.

The demand for apple pickers in Canada remains relatively high, presenting an appealing job prospect for individuals seeking temporary employment or a unique cultural experience in a picturesque setting. The allure of working in the serene landscapes of Canadian orchards while contributing to the harvest of the country’s bountiful apple crops is a compelling reason for many individuals, both domestic and international, to consider apple-picking jobs.

Apple Picker Jobs in Canada for Foreigners 2024

Overview of Apple Picking Jobs in Canada

Apple picking jobs in Canada are typically seasonal, spanning from late summer to early winter, during the harvest season. These positions primarily involve manually picking ripe apples, sorting them based on quality, and packaging them for distribution. The pay for apple pickers varies based on the region and productivity, often providing an hourly wage or piece-rate payment structure.

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Requirements for Apple Picker Jobs in Canada

Work Permit or Visa: Secure the necessary work permit or visa to legally work in Canada.

Physical Fitness: Ability to handle physical tasks, including standing for extended periods and lifting heavy loads.

Prior Experience: Prior experience in farming, agriculture, or similar fields might be preferred.

Availability: Willingness to work long hours, weekends, and holidays during peak harvesting seasons.

Language Skills: Proficiency in English or French, depending on the location and employer’s requirements.

Legal Eligibility: No criminal record and eligibility to work in Canada.

Transportation: Access to reliable transportation to and from the orchard/farm.

Attention to Detail: Ability to identify ripe fruits and follow specific picking guidelines.

Teamwork Skills: Capability to work in a team and follow instructions from supervisors.

Health and Safety: Following safety procedures and laws when working on an agricultural site.

Weather Adaptability: The capacity to work in any type of weather circumstances, such as heat, rain, or cold.

Positive Attitude: A proactive and positive approach to work, even during physically demanding tasks.

Benefits for Apple Picker Jobs in Canada

Here are some benefits for foreigners working as apple pickers in Canada:

Seasonal Work Opportunity: Apple picking jobs in Canada are often seasonal, employing individuals during specific times of the year.

Work Experience: Foreigners can gain valuable work experience in agricultural practices and farm-related activities.

Cultural Exchange: Working in Canada allows foreigners to immerse themselves in a new culture and interact with people from diverse backgrounds.

Income Generation: It offers an opportunity to earn money that can be used for personal expenses or savings.

Visa Opportunities: Some seasonal agricultural work programs may offer pathways for obtaining work visas or extensions for individuals interested in longer stays or exploring permanent residency.

Outdoor Work Environment: Working in apple orchards provides the chance to work outdoors, enjoying the natural surroundings and fresh air.

Physical Activity: Apple picking involves physical labour, contributing to a healthy and active lifestyle.

Learning New Skills: Employees can learn various agricultural skills, such as proper fruit-handling techniques and tree maintenance.

Networking: Foreign workers can network with fellow employees and locals, creating connections that might be beneficial in the future.

Language Improvement: Working in an English-speaking environment can improve language skills for non-native English speakers.

Understanding Agricultural Practices: Individuals get firsthand experience in agricultural practices specific to apple farming.

Community Engagement: Being part of a farming community allows foreigners to engage with locals, learn about Canadian traditions, and contribute to the local economy.

Job Tasks for Apple Picker in Canada

Orchard Inspection: Conduct regular inspections of apple trees to assess their health, identify pests or diseases, and ensure optimal growing conditions.

Harvesting: Hand-pick ripe apples according to specific guidelines regarding colour, size, and maturity, ensuring only quality fruits are collected.

Sorting and Grading: Sort apples based on quality standards, sorting them by size, colour, and defects, ensuring only premium produce is packed for distribution.

Packaging: Package apples in crates or boxes, following packaging protocols to maintain freshness and prevent damage during transportation.

Operating Equipment: Use ladders, hand tools, and sometimes specialized machinery for harvesting, ensuring proper handling and safety measures are adhered to.

Team Coordination: Collaborate with other workers to efficiently harvest and process apples, coordinating tasks to meet production quotas and deadlines.

Record-Keeping: Maintain accurate records of harvested quantities, varieties, and any issues encountered during the picking process.

Following Safety Procedures: Adhere to safety protocols, including proper handling of equipment, using protective gear, and following pesticide application guidelines if required.

Maintaining Cleanliness: Keep work areas clean and organized, ensuring hygiene standards are met during all stages of the harvesting process.

Quality Control Checks: Conduct regular quality checks on harvested apples to ensure they meet the required standards and are free from defects.

Problem Identification: Identify and report any issues such as tree diseases, pest infestations, or equipment malfunctions to supervisors for immediate action.

Adapting to Instructions: Be adaptable to new methods or instructions provided by supervisors to improve efficiency and meet changing market demands.

Steps to Apply Online for Apple Picker Jobs

Prepare Necessary Documents: Have your updated resume, valid work permit, identification, and any relevant certifications ready.

Online Applications: Follow the instructions provided on the job posting. Fill out application forms accurately and attach the required documents.

Professionalism and Communication: Craft a concise and professional cover letter, if required, highlighting your relevant skills and enthusiasm for the job.

Follow-Up: After applying, consider following up with the employer through email or phone to express your interest in the position.

Apply Now


Apple picking jobs in Canada presents an exciting opportunity for foreigners seeking seasonal work in a picturesque setting. By understanding the requirements, utilizing online resources, and showcasing dedication, individuals can secure these positions and immerse themselves in Canada’s agricultural landscape while earning an income.

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