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Islamabad Police Introduces Dolphin Force to Combat Crime in Capital

ISLAMABAD – In a proactive measure to tackle the escalating crime rate in the nation’s federal capital, Islamabad, the local police have introduced a dynamic patrolling squad known as the Dolphin Force. This newly formed Emergency Response Unit draws inspiration from the highly successful Turkiye Police Model and aims to enhance law enforcement efforts while ensuring public safety.

Equipped with cutting-edge technology and subjected to rigorous training, the personnel of the Dolphin Force are prepared to confront the evolving challenges of modern-day crime. The inauguration ceremony for the Dolphin and SPU (Special Protection Unit) Headquarters was graced by Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif, who was accompanied by esteemed officials, including the Interior Minister and the Planning Minister.

In acknowledgment of the Interior Minister’s commendable initiative, the Prime Minister emphasized the need for a comprehensive plan in establishing the Dolphin Force, seeking guidance and support from Turkiye. He further directed officials to engage instructors from Istanbul, capitalizing on their expertise to train Pakistani personnel. This training program aims to bolster the skills and capabilities of Dolphin Force members, empowering them to efficiently handle any untoward incidents that may arise.

Moreover, to ensure the highest standards of professionalism and integrity within the unit, a robust self-accountability system has been implemented. This system facilitates the evaluation of Dolphin Force members’ performance, enabling continuous improvement and fostering a sense of accountability among the personnel.

By introducing the Dolphin Force, Islamabad police demonstrate their commitment to combatting crime and preserving law and order in the capital. With its emphasis on advanced technology, rigorous training, and a culture of tone- responsibility, this innovative action holds a pledge for enhancing public safety and breeding confidence among residents and callers likewise.

As the Dolphin Force takes to the thoroughfare of Islamabad, it heralds a new period of visionary policing, where the complications of crime are met with adaptability, versatility, and a commitment to serving and guarding the community.

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