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Dollar Rate in Pakistan – USD to PKR

USD to PKR Converter

USD to PKR Converter

Today Dollar rate in Pakistan on is 284.05 PKR Pakistani currency exchange market rate while the interbank Dollar rate in Pakistan is 284.05 PKR. Due to various factors involved in the economy, the buying and selling of dollars in Pakistan fluctuate daily. The US dollar bank exchange rate is slightly lower than the currency exchange rate or the open market rate.

Dollar Rate in Pakistan

Dollar Rate in Pakistan

Dollar to PKRBuyingSelling
Interbank Rate284.00284.50
Open Market Rate284.05285.90

Dollar rate information is most important to the trader and investors. As you know, the Dollar rate in Pakistan changes daily. However, this page will inform you of the daily new Dollar rate in Pakistan. We collected all Dollar rates in Pakistan through Bank and some times by IMF.

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