
Saudi Riyal Rate in Pakistan 18 April 2023

Today Saudi Riyal to Pakistan Rupee (SAR to PKR) exchange rate in Pakistan on 18 April 2023 is Rs.75.85.

Today Saudi riyal rate has increased by Rs.1.72 and the new Saudi riyal rate in Pakistan’s interbank rate is Rs.75.85.

This is the current Interbank Saudi Riyal rate in Pakistan as provided by the State Bank of Pakistan (SBP). Here you can check today’s and yesterday’s Saudi Riyal rate in Pakistan.

Saudi Riyal Rate in Pakistan 17 April 2023

SAR to PKR 18 April 2023

18 April 2023Rs.75.85+1.72
17 April 2023Rs.74.13-0.44

Last 10 Days Saudi Riyal Rate in Pakistan

18 April 2023Rs.75.85Rs.74.13
17 April 2023Rs.74.13Rs.74.57
16 April 2023Rs.74.57Rs.75.83
15 April 2023Rs.75.83Rs.75.93
14 April 2023Rs.75.93Rs.76.80
13 April 2023Rs.76.80Rs.76.75
12 April 2023Rs.76.75Rs.76.36
11 April 2023Rs.76.36Rs.74.37
10 April 2023Rs.74.37Rs.74.39
09 April 2023Rs.74.39Rs.75.70
08 April 2023Rs.75.70Rs.76.74
07 April 2023Rs.76.74Rs.76.83

Saudi Riyal is a powerful currency to the Pakistan Rupee. At this time many people are investing in Saudi Riyal and they can earn a good profit.

If you are an investor or have any other business for which you need to check daily Saudi Arabian riyal rates, then bookmark our website, we will provide you with daily new rates for Saudi riyal rates in Pakistan (SAR to PKR).

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