
8070 Free Atta Registration Scheme For KPK and Punjab Peoples

A great news has come for the people of Punjab and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. These days, the government has announced to give free Atta in the Punjab and KPK peoples.

Every man will be given 3 bags of Atta for free. These bags of flour will also be given only to those who are poor.

The Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Punjab has come up with a new great scheme to benefit the poor people. Because bread is the most important thing for poor people, in today’s era of high prices if he will not able to make ends meet then how will he survive? So the government has come up with this great way to help of poor people.

To get free Atta you need to message 8070 which is the procedure given below.

Important Note: The government has also announced that flour will be given only to those who are poor and married. Be sure to share this post with the poor with the intention of reward.

How to message for Govt to 8070 for free Atta?

First of all, if you want to take part in taking this free Atta, click here. If you can’t take this Atta, then you can’t take free Atta. If they ask you to send a message to 8070, then you can get free Atta.

You have to send a message from your Mobile to 8070. In the beginning, you have to write Atta, after that, you have to write your ID card number and send the message. They will send you a message in reply.

Example: Atta – ID Card Number, then send

After that, if you get a message, then you go to the place in your village or city where flour is usually distributed and show them the message, they will give you free flour.

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Share this post with your poor brothers and other people to take the flour for free. Thanks for visiting our website.

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