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What Come First – Chicken or Egg? The age-old puzzle Solved

The question of whether the chicken or the egg came first has perplexed humanity for centuries. It’s a classic dilemma that has sparked debates and discussions across cultures. Their findings challenge the traditional belief and propose a groundbreaking theory: the ancestors of birds and reptiles gave birth to live young.

The study focused on amniotes, which are animals that possess embryos developing inside an amnion within the egg. Conventionally, it was believed that hard-shelled eggs played a crucial role in the success of amniotes. However, the researchers discovered that the amniotic egg, different from the eggs of present-day amphibians, consisted of fetal membranes and an external shell that could be either strongly or weakly mineralized.

To unravel the mystery, the team analyzed 51 fossil species and 29 living species. They classified these species into two categories: oviparous (laying hard or soft-shelled eggs) and viviparous (giving birth to live young). Astonishingly, they found that all branches of Amniota, including mammals, exhibited signs of retaining embryos within their bodies for extended periods.

Professor Michael Benton from the University of Bristol emphasized that their work, combined with other recent studies, challenges the traditional reptile egg model found in textbooks. He explained that the earliest amniotes evolved extended embryo retention instead of hard-shelled eggs to protect the developing embryo until more favorable conditions for birth arose.

Moreover, project leader Professor Baoyu Jiang highlighted an intriguing observation. Closely related species sometimes exhibited both live birth and egg-laying behaviors, indicating the ability to transition between the two methods. This discovery contradicted previous assumptions and added another layer of complexity to the evolutionary puzzle.

In simple terms, the study suggests that the ancestors of birds and reptiles primarily gave birth to live young, and the development of hard-shelled eggs came later in the course of evolution. This groundbreaking finding challenges the conventional belief that the egg came before the chicken, igniting new discussions among scientists and enthusiasts alike.

While this study brings us near to unraveling the mystifications of our ancient history, the age-old question of what came first still captivates our imagination. maybe, with further scientific advancements, further pieces of the mystification will fall into place, and the true origins of the funk and egg will be completely understood. Until also, the debate continues, leaving us in admiration of the prodigies of nature and the complications of life.

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