Dollar Rate in Pakistan 1 March 2023
Today on 1 March 2023 US Dollar price has increased has 1.05 PKR and the new US Dollar rate in Pakistan is 258.63 (PKR). This is the Interbank Market Dollar rate on Wednesday. Check the details of today’s and yesterday’s dollar rate in Pakistan.

Date | Today | Yesterday | Difference |
29 February | 258.63 | 257.13 | +1.05 |
28 February | 257.13 | 257.13 | 0.00 |
The dollar resumed yesterday’s interbank session at Rs.257.13 and closed at Rs.257.13 after no changed end of the trade.
Previous Days USD to PKR Rate
The below table shows you the previous 10 day’s dollar rate in Pakistan. Check out the previous day’s dollar rate up and down prices.
Date | PKR Rate |
1 March 2023 | Rs.258.63 |
28 February 2023 | Rs.257.13 |
27 February 2023 | Rs.257.13 |
26 February 2023 | Rs.257.13 |
25 February 2023 | Rs.260.95 |
24 February 2023 | Rs.260.95 |
23 February 2023 | Rs.261.69 |
22 February 2023 | Rs.262.43 |
21 February 2023 | Rs.261.68 |
20 February 2023 | Rs.260.40 |
As you know the Dollar rate is increasing the other thing price are changed like Gold, Egg, Petrol, Silver, etc. It some time very up prices and sometimes normal as it depends on the market dollar rate.